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Function meant to create subdirectories to save the results of the current step. It is called several times from the other functions in the package


                 dir_results = base::getwd(),
                 results_name = VCFtoGWAS::name_by_time())



The function (and step in the process) from which the function was called. Is added to the name of the subdirectory that is created by the function.


The directory in which a subfolder will be created and results will be saved. Make sure it exists!!!
If entered directory doesn't exist (or no direcotry was entered), the subfolder will be created in the current working directory.


The results_name parameter dictates the folder (within dir_results folder) that will be created to save the results.
If the results name isn't changed from the default (name_by_time), then a name based on time will be constructed. Step name is always added. Examples:

  • By default: "2021-12-15_10.58_Step1-Upload_VCF-results"

  • Non default: "OnlyHomozygousStrains_Step1-Upload_VCF-results"


Tomer Antman